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    Buy WOW Pewerleveling PVP Power leveling

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    Weekly Conquest Points Cap

    1. Completing the weekly conquest point cap.
    2. You will get Rank 1(Conflict and Strife).
    3. You will receive one gear at the end of the week based on your rating.
    4. You will get Quartermaster's Coin.
    5. You need to provide your account.
    6. Your character's level should be 60.
    7. ETA: 3-5 days.
    • Price:$ 49.99 USD
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    War Supplied

    1. Open a War Supply Crate from an air supply drop while within War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Vicious War Raptor

    Vicious War Raptor is a new Ground PVP mount in WoD.
    1. You will get Vicious War Raptor.
    2. Win 200 Arena (3v3) and you will get Vicious Saddle, You can purchase Vicious War Raptor with Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Vicious War Ram

    Vicious War Ram is a new Ground PVP mount in WoD.
    1. You will get Vicious War Ram.
    2. Win 200 Arena (3v3) and you will get Vicious Saddle, You can purchase Vicious War Ram with Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Vicious War Mechanostrider

    Vicious War Mechanostrider is a new Ground PVP mount in WoD patch6.2.
    1. You will get Vicious War Mechanostrider.
    2. Win 200 Arena (3v3) and you will get Vicious Saddle, You can purchase Vicious War Mechanostrider with Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Vicious War Kodo

    Vicious War Kodo is a new PVP mount in Patch 6.2.
    1. You will get Vicious War Kodo.
    2. Win 200 Arena (3v3) and you will get Vicious Saddle, You can purchase Vicious War Kodo with Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Vicious Saddle

    1. Win 200 Arena (3v3/2v2) in BFA Season.
    2. You will receive: Vicious War Basilisk(Horde) or Vicious War Basilisk(Alliance).
    3. You will get Vicious Saddle.
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's Item level should be 465+.
    6. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 399.99 USD
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    Veteran of the Horde

    1. Win 75 rated battlegrounds.
    2. You will receive: Horn of the Vicious War Wolf.
    3. You shall be granted the title ", Veteran of the Horde".
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 110.
    6. ETA: 2-5 days.
    • Price:$ 599.99 USD
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    Veteran of the Alliance

    1. Win 75 rated battlegrounds.
    2. You will receive: Reins of the Vicious War Steed.
    3. You shall be granted the title ", Veteran of the Alliance".
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 110.
    6. ETA: 2-5 days.
    • Price:$ 599.99 USD
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    Trial by Combat

    1. Win a duel in the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 9.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Zuldazar

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Zuldazar while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Vol'dun

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Vol'dun while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Tiragarde Sound

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Tiragarde Sound while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Stormsong Valley

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Stormsong Valley while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Revendreth(Pre-Sale)

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Revendreth while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Nazmir

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Nazmir while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Maldraxxus

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Maldraxxus while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Drustvar

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Drustvar while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Bastion(Pre-Sale)

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Bastion while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Tour of Duty: Ardenweald(Pre-Sale)

    1. Earn 1000 honor in Ardenweald while in War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Thirty Six and Two

    1. Defeat each class in duels in the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    The Horde Slayer

    1. With a bounty on your head while within War Mode, get 10 honorable kills without dying.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 3-5 Days.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    The First Rule of Dueler's Guild

    1. Participate in a duel in the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 9.99 USD
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    The Alliance Slayer

    1. With a bounty on your head while within War Mode, get 10 honorable kills without dying.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 3-6 Days.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Supplying the Assassins

    1. Loot 25 War Supply Chests in Nazjatar while an Assassin.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: We will run it for you until you get this item.
    • Price:$ 1999.99 USD
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    1. Win 5 duels in the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Reins of the Vicious Warsaber(Alliance)

    1. You will get Reins of the Vicious Warsaber.
    2. Win 200 Arena (3v3) and you will get Vicious Saddle, You can purchase Reins of the Vicious Warsaber with Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Reins of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse(Horde)

    1. You will get Reins of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse.
    2. Win 200 Arena (3v3) and you will get Vicious Saddle, You can purchase Reins of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse with Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Quartermaster's Coin*10

    1. You will get Quartermaster's Coin*10.
    2. You will receive a level 345+ gear at the end of the week based on your rating.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 10 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 599.99 USD
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    Quartermaster's Coin

    1. You will get Quartermaster's Coin.
    2. You will receive one gear at the end of the week based on your rating.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 3-5 days.
    • Price:$ 64.99 USD
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    Prize Fighter

    1. Win 3 consecutive duels without leaving the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 3-7 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Master of Duels

    1. Complete the following Dueler's Guild 19s.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 3-7 Days.
    • Price:$ 299.99 USD
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    Mark of Honor*80

    1. You will get Mark of Honor*80.
    2. You can buy any old PvP items from previous honor vendors.
    3. You should unlock the world quest.
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 60.
    6. ETA: 2-4 Days.
    • Price:$ 89.99 USD
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    Mark of Honor*5

    Mark of Honor is the new item added in Legion that is used as a currency for buying old PvP items that previously cost Honor Points, mainly for transmogrification purposes.
    1. You will get Mark of Honor*5.
    2. You can buy any old PvP items from previous honor vendors.
    3. You should unlock the world quest.
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 110+.
    6. ETA: 1 Day.
    • Price:$ 7.99 USD
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    Mark of Honor*40

    Mark of Honor is the new item added in Legion that is used as a currency for buying old PvP items that previously cost Honor Points, mainly for transmogrification purposes.
    1. You will get Mark of Honor*40.
    2. You can buy any old PvP items from previous honor vendors.
    3. You should unlock the world quest.
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 110+.
    6. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 39.99 USD
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    Mark of Honor*25

    Mark of Honor is the new item added in Legion that is used as a currency for buying old PvP items that previously cost Honor Points, mainly for transmogrification purposes.
    1. You will get Mark of Honor*25.
    2. You can buy any old PvP items from previous honor vendors.
    3. You should unlock the world quest.
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 110+.
    6. ETA: 1-2 Days.
    • Price:$ 29.99 USD
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    Mark of Honor*12

    Mark of Honor is the new item added in Legion that is used as a currency for buying old PvP items that previously cost Honor Points, mainly for transmogrification purposes.
    1. You will get Mark of Honor*12.
    2. You can buy any old PvP items from previous honor vendors.
    3. You should unlock the world quest.
    4. You need to provide your account.
    5. Your character's level should be 110+.
    6. ETA: 1 Day.
    • Price:$ 14.99 USD
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    1. You will earn 30000 honor points.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 145.99 USD
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    1. You will earn 100000 honor points.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 5-8 weeks.
    • Price:$ 479.99 USD
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    1. You will earn 10000 honor points.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-2 weeks.
    • Price:$ 49.99 USD
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    Honor Level 90

    1. Reach Honor Level 90.
    2. You will get Esteemed Pennant.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 2-3 Months.
    • Price:$ 5399.99 USD
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    Honor Level 80

    1. Reach Honor Level 80.
    2. You shall be granted the title "The Unrelenting".
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 2-3 Months.
    • Price:$ 4799.99 USD
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    Honor Level 70

    1. Reach Honor Level 70.
    2. You will get Prestigious Azure Courser.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 10-12 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 4199.99 USD
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    Honor Level 60

    1. Reach Honor Level 60.
    2. You will get Elite Pennant.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 7-8 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 3599.99 USD
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    Honor Level 500

    1. Reach Honor Level 500.
    2. You will get Prestigious Bloodforged Courser.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 15-18 Months.
    • Price:$ 29999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 50

    1. Reach Honor Level 50.
    2. You shall be granted the title "The Prestigious".
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 6-8 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 2999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 5

    1. Reach Honor Level 5.
    2. You will get Dutiful Squire(Alliance) or Dutiful Gruntling(Horde).
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 2-5 days.
    • Price:$ 199.99 USD
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    Honor Level 400

    1. Reach Honor Level 400.
    2. You will get Sir Snips or Bucketshell.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 12-13 Months.
    • Price:$ 24999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 40

    1. Reach Honor Level 40.
    2. You will get Prestigious Ivory Courser.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 6-7 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 2399.99 USD
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    Honor Level 300

    1. Reach Honor Level 300.
    2. You shall be granted the title "the Tactician".
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 9-10 Months.
    • Price:$ 17999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 30

    1. Reach Honor Level 30.
    2. You will get Prestigious Pennant.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 3-5 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 1799.99 USD
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    Honor Level 250

    1. Reach Honor Level 250.
    2. You will get Prestigious Midnight Courser.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 7-8 Months.
    • Price:$ 14999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 25

    1. Reach Honor Level 25.
    2. You shall be granted the title "The Honorable".
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 2-4 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 1499.99 USD
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    Honor Level 200

    1. Reach Honor Level 200.
    2. You shall be granted the title ", Bound by Honor".
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 6-7 Months.
    • Price:$ 11999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 20

    1. Honor Level 20.
    2. You will get Alliance Enthusiast or Horde Fanatic.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 2-3 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 1199.99 USD
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    Honor Level 175

    1. Reach Honor Level 175.
    2. You will get Glorious Pennant.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 5-6 Months.
    • Price:$ 10499.99 USD
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    Honor Level 150

    1. Reach Honor Level 150.
    2. You will get Prestigious Royal Courser.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 4-5 Months.
    • Price:$ 8999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 15

    1. Honor Level 15.
    2. You will get Prestigious Bronze Courser.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 1-2 Weeks.
    • Price:$ 599.99 USD
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    Honor Level 125

    1. You will get Prestigious Forest Courser.
    2. Reach Honor Level 125.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 3-4 Months.
    • Price:$ 7499.99 USD
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    Honor Level 100

    1. Reach Honor Level 100.
    2. You shall be granted the title "the Unstoppable Force".
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 3-4 Months.
    • Price:$ 5999.99 USD
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    Honor Level 10

    1. Reach Honor Level 10.
    2. You will get Honorable Pennant.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 6-10 days.
    • Price:$ 399.99 USD
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    Glorious Pennant

    1. You will get Glorious Pennant.
    2. Reach Honor Level 175.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 50.
    5. ETA: 5-6 Months.
    • Price:$ 10499.99 USD
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    Forged through Conquest: Shadowlands Season 1(Pre-Sale)

    1. Earn 5000 Conquest during Shadowlands Season 1.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 months.
    • Price:$ 499.99 USD
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    Fighting on Two Fronts

    1. Complete the Fighting on Two Fronts 19s.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-2 weeks.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Dueling Master

    1. Win 50 duels in the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You will get Dueler's Tabard.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 50.
    5. ETA: 2-6 Days.
    • Price:$ 199.99 USD
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    Dueler's Tabard

    1. You will get Dueler's Tabard.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 199.99 USD
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    Dominant Combatant(Horde)

    1. Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in PvP Season.
    2. You will receive: Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 110.
    5. ETA: 2-3 days.
    • Price:$ 259.99 USD
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    Dominant Combatant(Alliance)

    1. Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in PvP Season.
    2. You will receive: Vicious Saddle.
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 110.
    5. ETA: 2-3 days.
    • Price:$ 259.99 USD
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    1. Complete Deathbringer 19.
    2. You shall be granted the title "Deathbringer"
    3. You need to provide your account.
    4. Your character's level should be 60.
    5. ETA: 2-3 months.
    • Price:$ 799.99 USD
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    Covenant Combat(Pre-Sale)

    1. Complete Covenant Combat 19.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 199.99 USD
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    1. Win 25 duels in the Dueler's Guild.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 50.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    Bounty Hunting

    1. Loot 10 bounties from slain players while within War Mode.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-3 Days.
    • Price:$ 199.99 USD
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    Battlefield Master

    1. Gather 100,000 Honor from PVP 24, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 2-4 weeks.
    • Price:$ 479.99 USD
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    Battlefield Brawler

    1. Complete the Battlefield Brawler 19s.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-2 weeks.
    • Price:$ 49.99 USD
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    75 Rated Battleground Matches Wins(WOW US) - Horde

    1. Win 75 rated battlegrounds.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's itemlevel should be 400+.
    4. ETA: 1-2 weeks.
    • Price:$ 749.99 USD
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    75 Rated Battleground Matches Wins(WOW US) - Alliance

    1. Win 75 rated battlegrounds.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's itemlevel should be 400+.
    4. ETA: 1-2 weeks.
    • Price:$ 749.99 USD
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    40 Rated Battleground Matches Wins(WOW US)

    1. Win 40 rated battlegrounds.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's itemlevel should be 400+.
    4. ETA: 1-2 weeks.
    • Price:$ 399.99 USD
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    10 Rated Battleground Matches Wins(WOW US)

    1. Win 10 rated battlegrounds.
    2. You need to provide your account.
    3. Your character's level should be 60.
    4. ETA: 1-4 days.
    • Price:$ 99.99 USD
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    PVP Power leveling

    World of Warcraft PVP refers to Player vs. Player, denotes combat between players of any kind such as: Dueling, Arena PvP System, Battlegrounds, PvP seasons, Random PvP, World PvP and more. In WOW PVP, most people want to get the title Gladiator. And it allows players to expand the potential skill-cap and obviously get high-end rewards, such as elite WoW PvP Sets, cool weapons, and unique titles. But PvP boosting requires a lot of effort and can become boring pretty quickly, especially if you boosted more than one character. So are you ready to sacrifice most of your time to get it or you prefer to get one of the professional WoW PvP boosting services? No matter you want to accomplish an arena PvP rating boost for WoW, win at RBG, or Gladiator title with (2400+ Arena Rating), our prefessional players can tackle that for you. Cheap WOW PVP Carry service for Sale, we provide safe and fast delivery, cheapest price, 24/7 live support to help you.

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