There are numerous of classes in WoW, but which is the most suitable class for you and your avatar? We is the best
WoW news & Guides station that can provide most timely and professional threads of the game to you. This is a basic guide for you to help you to figure out the best combination between races and classes. There are no fixed collocations but there are taboos such as Orc Mage are not common character. Blizzard unwilling to see stereotyped characters, so nowadays the gap or difference between races are imperceptible after numerous of patches gradually.

Pretty sure Human pulls ahead in almost everything. Also that 10% rep increase helps since Blizzard seems to be moving forward with Rep gates and grinds. best by far is Human. removes stun and something else now so it's basically still double trinket since stuns are the biggest concern. Not everyone can make it, this method is really difficult and demanding. You can skip it and buy our
Cheap WoW Gold US with lowest price on the Earth. NE is probably the second shadow meld is really good and in my opinion under estimated. I think they even still have faster stealth speed as well.
My favorites though are the draenei and the warden. Worgen, especially, have a fun starting zone, one of the few that I don't mind doing over and over. IMO night elf is the best just because of shadow meld. It's great when you're leveling or questing. If you don't want to fight your way to where you gotta go next, get in blood spec, mount up, ride all the way to the next spot and pop SM to drop aggro. My main is hunter. Mobile DPS is pretty handy. Pet to tank or extra dps. Favorite part is the customization of the pets. You can tame want you want and use different ones for certain situations. Soloing is pretty easy and some mechanics which require 2 players can be done with your pet like soloing old raids.
Humans have the best races for me, simply because of the bonus rep racial. I hate grinding rep. I really don't value that reputation racial at all. But, if you do, I guess that's something to consider. I'm swapping tonight as well and I'm going gnome, just seems fitting with the class. Never had a
WoW Gold EU Guide station will tell you the truth of game is to spend money for fun. The in-game shop is unaffordable, the is Cheap and Safe! I always imagined gnomes would be the only race bonkers enough to try to summon demons, among other things. As far as game play style goes, I really like balance druid and destruction warlock. Since you're attached to the healer role, I don't really know if you should go warlock. Might as well just go druid in case you decide to heal.

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