Supply Drops, officially titled Fallout 76 Government Supply Drops are one of the newest features introduced to the Fallout universe in Fallout 76. Those supply drops will grant you with plenty of new items and materials for your character to play with. The likes of
ammo, scraps, weapons, clothing and maybe even food will drop randomly for you. Where can we find these supply drops? How do we get them? Well, keep on reading and find all the answers.

How to get them?
To get your greasy mitts on one of these highly sought-after supply drops, you will first need to find a US Government Supply Requisition form and Holotape (both will be together). There are a number of ways in which you can find the US Government Supply Requisition item, but typically, you will randomly find them on the corpses of Ghouls and Scorched throughout the game’s large map. If at first, you don’t find the item, simply kill and loot Scorched and Ghouls until you do. Plenty of other enemies will randomly drop the item, too, and you may even be lucky enough to find one hanging around in a mailbox, lunchbox, or any other sort of item dispensary.
As soon as you find a US Government Supply Requisition form and Holotape, you will be given a quest entitled: “Request Government Air Drop.” A new marker will appear on your map, leading you towards a broken Relay Tower Terminal, located near Morgantown on the bottom right of the map.
Where to find them?
Once you arrive at the tower, the marker will direct you to the emergency management system relay terminal. Click the emergency management option and it will ask you to choose a holotape to load. The only one that will fix it is the US Government Supply Requisition tape.
Once you choose the US Government Supply Requisition tape, a prompt will load asking you if you want to request an emergency air drop. Choose yes to the question asking if you would like to request an emergency air drop. After this is done, a new nearby marker will appear on your map pertaining to the whereabouts of your supply drop. To get your rewards, all you need to do now is head over to the marker, and find a red flare (your supply drop will be there).
Be aware, however, that other players may have seen your supply drop land. You’ll need to be quick if you want to claim your rewards. By the way, you can buy
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After you have completed the above mentioned“Request Government Air Drop” quest, a miscellaneous mission will load called “Get the supply drop”. In order to find its exact location, simply load your map. On the map, you’ll find a small circular area, relatively close to the mission you just completed. In the area, you will find a red flair which indicates your drop’s location. Head over to the container and collect your rewards. The contents of these government aid drops will vary between scraps, ammo, weapons, clothing, and other useful items.