Smite God Pele Guide - Best Build, Best Combos, and How to Play Him in Conquest and Other Mode
I see many Smite players asking how to play and build Pele online and there are lots of Mixed thoughts about her. So, today, I’m gonna share with you some of my personal ideas and experience on this character. Hopefully, with some advice, you can improve your gameplay and grasp her kit to its full potential. In addition, if you wanna decorate Pele with new fancy skin, here provides you
Cheap Smite Gems. Now, let’s dive in, shall we?

Conquest: (Jungle)
Start beads (safe) or Blink (Aggressive) Either way Beads, Blink 100%
Assassins Blessing - T1 Boots - 4 hp pots (Safe Start) OR Assassins Blessing - T1 Crusher - 2 hp pots (Aggressive Start) (If you play her mid go Magis. Solo go Warrs.)
Warrior Tabi, Crusher, Soul Eater, Titans/Magi, Magi/Titans, Situational Def Item (Usually Mantle/Masamune)
This has been pretty much her standard conquest build provides plenty of dmg with moderate defenses and magis bc face it without magis against competent players you'll be locked down before your 2 has a chance to knock up and you will die. You can work in pestilence if for whatever reason your warrior or support doesn't have it as well.
Talents for Conquest:
Start with your 3 always activate 2x for clear its incredibly fast. From there take your 1 then another point in 3 unless you think you'll need the CC then just start 3-1-2.
After that go 3 then 5 now after you pick up ult work on getting your 2 to rank 3 to get the secondary knock up then finish out your 1 then 2 then ult.
3-1-2-3-4 then 3>2(rank 3)>1>2>4
Talents for other modes besides conquest:
1-2-3-1-4 then get 2 to rank 3>Max 1,Max 3, Max 2, Max 4
The majority of the time in clash, siege, arena you wont need your 3s damage early and youc an take your 1 for better lane clear in a laning type of game.
3,2,1, Activate your 3 2x que your 2 pop em up throw your 1 with autos and save your ult and the other charge for if they run.
Max Burst (with Blink no ULT)
Activate 3 2x, Que your 2, Blink, Use your 1 2x when popped up and auto
Max Burst (With ULT)
Activate 3 2x, Que your 2, ULT, 1 2x
Just remember for your ult to cone YOU HAVE TO LAND YOUR AUTOS otherwise its wasted.
Side Note: Your ULT is your only legit escape (Aside from your 3 2x) so use it for dmg only when it is safe to do so or for kill secure on a high priority target
Best Hybrid Pele Build:
The build I go for it's quite unconventional, but I think it definitely fits Pele's kit:
Assassin's blessing because you are a Jungler.
Warrior Tabi, you don't use atk. speed and have access to AA-cancels, duh.
Crusher or Brawlers or Jottun's. In that order of priority, Crusher is the best option (and the most dmg) because one of your abilities doesn't have CD to reduce. Brawlers is a good alternative if they have problematic healing (reducing healing = more dmg). I only pick Jottun's if I think that for some reason I need my ult to be up more often (they have tons of mobility that I have to chase, they have tons of lockdown that I have to escape from etc.).
Stone Cutting Sword and Hydra's: The order of those two items is going to depend on how ahead I am, if I'm ahead => SCS, if not => Hydra's; this is mostly due to price. Both of those items are fantastic on Pele for similar reason's: her combo get's at least 2 or 3 AA cancels in, which is enough to fully stack SCS and justifies the Hydra pick-up.
On top of that, the stats of both items just work perfectly with her "get in-combo-get out/chase" playstyle: 10% MS, 30 prot steal, 90 total power, 10% CDR, mana regen.
Soul Eater: Fairly cheap for the amount of decent stats all it gives, increases her in-fight survivability, her out of combat sustain and has fantastic synergy with her passive. Definitely one of the few gods that can justify picking up this item.
It might seem a bit late to fit that item in, but it really isn't, the true core of your build is done (Boots, Crusher, SCS, Hydra's). This is just icing on the cake and the stacks are surprisingly easy to get because it stacks whenever something around you dies, so as long as you are doing stuff and being part of teamfights you should get the full power of this item online pretty quickly.
If you dislike the item or the enemy has built a ton of antiheal or whatever you can just pick any other dmg item really.
Optionals: Fill the last spot as you see fit and depending on how the game it's going. Be it more dmg, hybrid, utility or defense.