Lost Ark is a dark-themed MMO developed by the famous CF Manufacturer Smilegate, the game is set in a magical medieval European setting. In the game, players can choose their favorite profession to fight, for example, the Battle Master who suppresses the enemy through high-speed attacks, the Devil Hunter who is a long-distance gun professional, the Arcana who summons powerful magic to attack the enemy, and many more. Of course, you can upgrade each character. If players want to better participate in the adventure we can buy Cheap Lost Ark Gold.
How to Reach Level 50 in Lost Ark?
For beginners of the game, they can start by not worrying about gear level until you reach level 50. Upgrading to level 50 in the game is not difficult, as long as players complete missions and collect materials.

Therefore, simply allow the following order to reach the appropriate character and gear levels:
Do the Main Quests
In Rethramis, Yudia, and Luterra, you can complete the main quests. After completing these quests, players will be able to reach level 35.
Sail to Tortoyk
In Tortoyk, completing Word quests will help you reach level 40 and more.
Sail to Anikka
Sail to Anikka to reach level 45 or more.
Sail to Arthetine
You will reach level 50 before you complete the final World Quests on this continent.
At the same time, your gear level will be somewhere around 250.
Gear Progression in Lost Ark
Above we mentioned how to reach level fifty in the game, so what can we do after reaching level? Lost Ark is divided into three tiers, each tier of Lost Ark has its level.
Tier1: Level 0-250
When you reach level 50, your gear level is 250. If you want to upgrade your gear at this phase, you'll need to complete main quests, play instances, and explore islands.
Level 250-302
Players who want to obtain a level 302 gear set can complete the World Quest in Cheshire or the North Vern Chaos Dungeon. With this gear, you can try the Ur'Nil Guardian Raid. Collecting lots of materials to upgrade your gear.
Level 302-460
In this phase, you need to upgrade your gear with specific materials. When the gear is upgraded to 15+, the chance of failure is quite high and will cost your mats. The end-game activities will give you the mats. You should note that activity rewards have daily and weekly caps! Daily main sources of honing materials: Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, and Una’s daily tasks.
Level 460-600
Continue completing your daily quests and Una's daily tasks to collect more upgrade materials and upgrade your gear from level 400 to level 600.
Tier2: Level 600-802
The island is important in this phase. You will get 802 gear when you complete the first Chaos dungeon. Then continue to complete Chaos Dungeon, Raids, and Una’s daily tasks.
Level 840-1000
Continue to enhance your character’s existing gear. Finding the two continents Yorn and Feiton will help you collect enough materials.
Level 1000-1100
Focus on spamming dungeons, cubes, and towers. Reduce gear grinding at this stage, as materials are harder to collect at this stage. Players continue to adhere to the previously mentioned tasks.
Tier3: The Most Difficult Tier in Lost Ark
Level 1100 to 1302
In this tier, players’s gear can be upgraded from level 1100 to level 1302 and unlock the Punika continent.
Level 1325 to 1415
Upgrade your gear level to 1325, you will get the legendary set, it can help your gear upgrade to level 1415.
Level 1415 to 1460
Upgrade from 1415 to 1460, you will focus on Stronghold, Continent Progression, Island Tokens, and more.
The highest phase of the highest level is from 1490 to 1575. In this tier, you can choose to upgrade gear to 25+ and recycle old equipment to upgrade it to 25+.
According to the game guide above, we can know that upgrading equipment in Lost Ark is difficult and complex. Of course, not everyone has the time and patience to play the game if you want a quick upgrade, you can
Buy Lost Ark Gold at 5Mmo.