LOL: League of Legends Season 11 Guide, 2021 LOL Patch11.1 First New Season Information
This year’s upcoming game-changing patch will be an important part of every item in the game, including rebalancing, vanity, polishing, and even brand new items. Patches 10.24 and 10.25 did introduce many balance changes in League of Legends, but they were not enough to make it ready for professional games. Before the spring split, developers will seek to introduce updates in patch 11.1 itself. When patch 11.1 is finally released to the real-time server, the MOBA preseason will end. The first update of the new season will be a major update. With the introduction of the mythical prop system, there is more room for balance changes in the game, but many aspects still make people feel depressed and completely destroyed.
League of Legend Patch11.1 Notes&LOL Season 11 Information: New Gameplay, New Skin, etc..
LOL Season 11 New Gameplay
l The new merchandise store is highlighted, which provides a more complete visual interface for veterans, making it easier for new players.
l What followed was a small update of the product icons throughout the store,
l In addition to adding and deleting different items based on the impact on the game and the percentage of usage.
l From now on, the promotion system between various departments will be cancelled, which will greatly change the ranking system, which means that once players reach 100 PL, they can be promoted to the next department. The current Teamfight Tactics system.
l In addition, after letting AFK players enter the rankings, the PL reward and loss system has undergone some changes, and the penalty system has also changed in recent months.
l In addition, one year after the successful implementation of the tournament system for any player, the arrival of the first Clash tournament for the next weekend has been announced.
LOL Season 11 New Champion Skins And Thematics
Riot has officially announced the launch of new skins for the following champions:
Ø Fiddesticks
Ø Tahm Kench
Ø Corki
Ø Camille
Ø Galio
Ø Lulu
Ø Nautilus
Ø Wukong
Ø Nunu
Ø Sejuani
Ø Rumble
Ø Yuumi
Ø Twitch
Ø Vayne
Ø Caitlyn
Ø Blitzcrank
In addition, in the Project and Combat Academy series, new themes have been announced, as well as new themes with various methods, including:
Lunar Beasts: On the basis of celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year, it will focus on traditional design and take the Year of the Ox as the theme, bringing a sense of the future into 2057.
Space Slot: Continuing with the futuristic theme, the series of skins will have a more ridiculous style, and reference science fiction, bright colors, and the cuteness in each new look.
l The third theme will be selected through opinion polls, namely the nominees: Monster Tamer, Crime City Nightmare and Debonair 2.0.
Nevertheless, due to the difficulties that the pandemic era has brought us, the European LEC will be the last major region to split in the spring, so we must wait until January 22 to watch them in action. Season 11 looks very exciting, we can’t wait to watch Riot Games’ new movie, nor can we wait to use the new system to play ranked games, and test all the changes that League of Legends will suffer this year! If you need to
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