Upgrading Prosperity is a major part of the game.To survive in the post-apocalypse in Far Cry New Dawn,
you’ll need to build up hombase, property and develop the settlement to give yourself an edge in the fight against the Twins. Unfortunately, most of these facilities are inaccessible at the start and require you to invest and upgrade them. Our Far Cry New Dawn Prosperity Guide details everything that you need to know about your home base Prosperity and upgrading it.

The Basic Of Property in Far Cry New Dawn
Prosperity is the name of your homebase as a whole. There are a number of facilities inside Prosperity. Prosperity consists of eight different facilities, as you can check in the list below. The Prosperity level is tied to its own section. When you upgrade facilities, such as the Weapon Workbench, you can craft higher quality items and weapons.However, the level of each facility is restricted based on the level of Prosperity.
At the start of the game, Prosperity will be Level 1 while all facilities will be Level 0. They will give you basic functionality but to really get something out of these facilities, you must upgrade all of them to at least level 1. You have the following facilities available to you in Prosperity.
Weapon Workbench
Explosive Lab
Vehicle Workbench
Training Camp
Healing Garden
Property Upgrade System
In Far Cry New Dawn, Prosperity has three levels, as you can check in the list below:
Level 1 – All facilities can be upgraded to Level 1
Level 2 – All facilities can be upgraded to Level 2
Level 3 – All facilities can be upgraded to Level 3, the highest level homebase and all upgrades unlocked for you that are possible in Prosperity.
How To Upgrade Property In Far Cry New Dawn?
Upgrading Prosperity itself is a little trickier. To do this,you need to seek out different individuals in the world will help improve the facilities, but you need ethanol as well. These special characters, like Bean and Selene, are scattered around Hope County. If you can recruit them, they’ll set up in Prosperity. As with ethanol, you can get them by assaulting Highwaymen outposts, as they hold caches of ethanol.in addition, you can also upgrade Prosperity by visiting the base, and interacting with the different posts of Facilities. These Posts will be highlighted by icons, which makes finding them easy. You can also get ethanol with
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Recommended Property For Upgrading
Workbench For Strong Weapons
Upgrading the Workbench will give you access to crafting higher tier weapons, which would be a huge help as you fight against tougher enemies while exploring Hope County.
Expeditions For Fast Travel
Upgrading the Expeditions Facility will allow you to Fast Travel to Locations and go on Expeditions to other areas besides Hope County. In addition, as the game progress, the Expeditions are necessary for you to unlock strong end-game weapons.