8 Ball Pool is one of the greatest pool games, which allows you to really work on your strategy. Because the games are so fast in the app and the physical limitations (getting tired, not physically accomplishing a properly lined up shot due to a bad stroke) are removed, the amount of strategic experience you can get in short amount of time is unparalleled. To save you time, here are the pearls from most experienced gamers for any 8 Ball Pool fan, especially a beginner willing to listen.
Learn to Think Multiple Shots Ahead
The most basic advice that beginners don’t fully understand is to always be thinking about the next shot. After you make the current shot, the cue ball ends up somewhere on the table. You need to learn to control where the cue ball ends up. The goal is to be able to decide where can you “leave” the cue ball after the current shot such that the next shot is set up for an easy shot.
When you think ahead, you can leave yourself with easier shots than if you just slam the balls into the pockets and try to figure out what to do when the cue ball finally comes to a rest, wherever that may be. Even better is to gain the skill of looking multiple shots ahead and being able to leave the cue ball in a position that not only makes the next shot easier, but puts the cue in a position to make the next leave easier, thus making the next two shots easier.

Learn Soft Touch
Having good touch is paramount to playing a good strategic game. Much of the game of pool is about cue ball control. You have to be able to put the cue ball just about anywhere you want as a “leave” from the current shot. If you are just banging the current ball into a pocket, you aren’t typically going to make your life easier on the next.
The best players I play against have great touch. That means most of their shots are hit softly with low power. That little extra momentum that would take it to the back of the pocket (if the hole wasn’t there) is just enough that I can still make the shot if I misjudge and hit the shot too soft. In the screen shot above, it doesn’t take much power to finesse the 13 ball into the corner pocket, keeping the cue ball from flying all over the table. The indicated strength to hit the shot is even a little hard for the current cue (5/10 power bars) and should be lessened a bit closer to the second line. Rarely do skilled players hit a shot over with 50% power.Choose your spot wisely.
Every table breaks differently, but there are a few ways to find the sweet spot in a hurry. First, check the cloth for tell-tale signs of wear. Previous players may have found the best cue-ball position for the break, so you should see marks for that position, and streaks leading to the foot spot. Second, if you know your table ahead of time, check out an earlier match to see where the players are breaking and what speed seems to be working.
Learn to Play Defense
Another key factor is to play defense. When you don’t have a high probability of making the current shot, learn to give up your turn in a way that makes it highly likely that your opponent will be forced to give control back to you. Wanna get yourself a more suitable cue? Buy
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Learn to find places to hide the cue ball such that your opponent will either have a very difficult shot or no shot at all. Even better is to find a place to hide the cue ball such that your opponent can’t even get at one of their own balls and therefore ends up giving the ball back to you with ball in hand.