Capito is the first attacking male operator in Rainbow Six Siege who has high speed but low armour. When comes to Capito, the first thing comes to your mind must be his
crossbow which can be used in multiple ways, either to directly damage his opponents or confuse them enough for allies to take them down, making him especially useful on Oregon map. In fact, the ability of Captito is far more than that if you have a good mastery of the character. In this operator guide, we will show you what other weapons and gadgets he’s armed with and how to achieve the best results with those weapons in battle.

Capito’s Weapon Loadout
Capito’s got two primary weapons including: the PARA-308 assault rifle and the M249 light machine gun, with the only major differences in stats being that the light machine gun has lower recoil stability in exchange for a much higher ammunition capacity. His handgun is the PRB92, which again has okay damage and capacity and relatively good recoil management. The only thing about the light machine gun is that the reload speed is quite long. His special gadget is the Tactical Crossbow TAC Mk0 which can shoot both mini smoke grenades or asphyxiating bolts to cover a breach or to flush out enemies. If you want to play Capito, you can come to for
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Capito’s Gadgets
On the gadgets side, Capitão can equip Frag Grenades and Claymore. The use of gadget is dependent on playstyle. If there's a map with a lot of windows and you plan on entering said windows, bring a claymore. If there's many hard to hit corners, bring flashbangs, although I wouldn't recommend this.
Capito Skills and Abilities
The notable skill of Capito is the TAC Mk0 tactical crossbow which has two shots of both asphyxiating bolts and microscopic smoke grenades. With a combination with his gadget selection, it will generate a devastating effect. Here’s how you should use it.
1. Entry & Area Denial: Imagine you're breaching the laundry room on Oregon. You've blown up the hatch above the bomb site. The defenders have two obvious entrances in the form of the regular doorway, and a poorly made shotgun rotation hole. You're in charge of covering your teammate who is planting. What do? Smoke both entrances, then light it up with the strangle arrow. It won't guarantee kills, but it sure as hell stops people from walking in to try and pick off your friend. All this leading to your close victory.
2. Sick Montage Kills: Facing a bunch of roamers? Odds not in your favor? You are the captain. Rook being a pussy and hiding behind a shield while holding a hard angle on you? Fire bolt his ass. Legitimate advice, do not turn away and expect the arrow kill. Switch to any weapon (pistol or rifle, it's situational) and watch the shield. Did he dedded in the kill feed? Yes? Good, move on to the next target. Is the fat man running? Yes? Use your weapon. The crossbow is not meant just to secure frags like a frag grenade. It flushes out the cockroaches that Capitao would normally face in the favela.