Fortnite Week 10 Challenges in MapleStory Have Been Revealed Now.
On September 11, Fortnite rolled out
v5.40 content update, revealing the next suit of Battle Pass challenges in week 10, which marked
the final week of Battle Royale season fifth and meant new ways to earn experience and Battle Stars. As the season progressed, the rocket launch event has delivered a plethora of fresh changes to fortnite: Battle Royale to fans. As the season comes to a close, we must earn enough experience and Battle Stars to complete all the challenges in week 10, in preparation for the next season.

The following are what you have to finish in week 10 and corresponding tips are also provided.
Free Challenges
Search Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces in Basements
As with this challenge, it’s long since we’re required to find specific items in the game. Although we don’t know the specific location for jigsaw puzzle pieces, we can be sure that a puzzle piece must be placed at somewhere at each basement across the map. So, once you get down Battle bus, head to the basement.
Consume Apples or Mushrooms
We did the similar challenge in season 5 previously, where we need to eat a certain amount of mushrooms. However, we need to eat both apples and mushrooms this time.. There are many places in the map where you can find them, for example, Wailing Woods, Dusty Divot, Junk Junction and south of Hunted Hills. Moreover, you can also consume them on your way to other places when completing other challenges.
Eliminate Opponents
For this part, there’s not too much to say. Just gear up, get your gun and devote yourself into fighting. If you want to rush it,
Titled Tower might be a good place where there’s more than enough players and action.Buy
Cheap Fortnite Items at, where you can put an order for your favorite guns, traps, and materials.
Battle Pass Challenges
Search Chests in Salty Springs
Dealing with this challenge, for a bit of guidance, you better wait two or three days and then find those chests since it becomes harder when lots of players rush to the same places. Besides, there are some places worth of attention including:a large house in the western portion of the Salty Springs map, a ruined house in the south-central area of Salty Springs, a gas station just northeast of Salty Spring, a large house in the northern part of Salty Springs.
Deal Damage to Opponents
To complete this challenge, for players who have already complete enough battles, this would be a cinch to accomplish it. If you are hurry, a weapon with area of effect damage like grenade will be a good choice since you can damage lots of enemies at once.
Fortnite weapons are for sale on Moreover, you can go to Titled Tower. Besides, this challenge tasks you with eliminating opponents in the following order.
Stage 1: Eliminate an opponent in Pleasant Park.
Stage 2: Eliminate an opponent in Wailing Woods.
Stage 3: Eliminate an opponent in Lucky Landing.
Search between A Covered Bridge,Waterfall, and The 9th Green
For this part, you can find the treasure star among the golfgreen between the left of the river and the east of the lazy links.