Fortnite season 7 latest update is finally live now, offering
a slew of new Free Challenges and Battle Pass Challenges for gamers to earn Battle Stars and experience. Among them are the new Snowfall weekly challenge as well as challenges for several new characters in the Season 7 Battle Pass. By collecting more Battle Stars and upping their tier, up to a season maximum of 100, players can earn limited-time rewards like cosmetic outfits and XP boosts. (Collecting 10 Battle Stars will unlock one additional tier.) This season's ultimate prize is the
Ice King skin. To save you time, here’s what you have to do this week and how to complete all of them.

Free Challenges
Pick up an item of each rarity (0/5) 5 Battle Stars
Dance in different forbidden locations (0/7) 5 Battle Stars
Play matches with at least one elimination (HARD) (0/5) 10 Battle Stars
Battle Pass Challenges
Stage 1: Dance on top of a crown of RV's (0/1) 1 Battle Star
Stage 2: Dance on top of a metal turtle (0/1) 1 Battle Star
Stage 3: Where to dance on a submarine (0/1) 1 Battle Star
Deal Headshot Damage to opponents (0/500) 5 Battle Stars
Stage 1: Search Ammo Boxes in a single match (HARD) (0/5) 3 Battle Stars
Eliminate opponents in different Named Locations (HARD) (0/5) 10 Battle Stars
How to Complete Them
As with Free Challenges, first off, pick up an item of each rarity. There are five different item rarities ranking from lowest to highest: grey, green, blue, purple, then yellow. As long as you you land at named locations where there's plenty of loot, this shouldn’t be difficult for you. Then you are required to dance in different forbidden locations. To find the forbidden areas, meaning the places where you see the no dancing signs, well, you can find a couple of such places in the new snowy area. The last on the Free Challenge list is to play matches with at least one elimination. Luckily, in Fortnite season 7, there's Team Rumble, a limited-time mode that's all about getting eliminations. In this mode you respawn as many times as you need to until one team scores 100 points. So I bet it’s easy for you to finish it.
In the term of Battle Pass Challenges, here comes a set of multi-step challenges. Stage one: dance on top of a crown of RV's.Locating the crown of RVs is the difficult part. To take the pressure off, we've done it already and in the list below you'll find three options for where you can find the RV's.
RVs - South of Paradise Palms, at the edge of the map near the desert village.
Metal Turtle - North of Lonely Lodge
Submarine - Mountain East of Frosty Flights
Then, deal Headshot Damage to opponents. 500 damage total might take you a few matches depending on your shooting ability or how good you are with a sniper, but if you keep practice, you'll get through it fast. By the way, for
Cheap Fortnite Items, come to, where you can use the code “
5MMO ” for a 3% discount.
Then, you need to eliminate opponents in different named locations. Since there are so many the elimination and headshot damage challenges in the previous season, it won’ t be difficult for you.
Finally, we have the second multi-stage challenge which tasks you with searching five ammo boxes in a single match first. This isn't actually that hard. Ammo boxes are everywhere. To find them, you can head to a place like Tilted Towers ,Lonely Lodge and Team Rumble. As for what’s in store next, find it by yourself.