Epic has teased a mysterious new High Stakes event, due to begin some time next week because Fortnite wouldn't be Fortnite if it didn't find a way to to be enticingly enigmatic at least once every couple of days. The Fortnite High Stakes event will bring with it the Wild Card outfit as well as the High Stakes challenges.
Fortnite Battle Royale players will get to take part in the new High Stakes event which kicks off next week.
It is important to note that the team is doing things a bit differently this go around. Before, only Battle Pass members could partake in the challenges. While we still have to wait to see what's new, it's not too late to take on this week's challenges for some sweet, sweet loot. Season 5 continues to bring exciting new
Limited Time Modes and other surprises. The developer did say that it would feature a new limited time mode called Getaway, a new outfit called
Wild Card, and challenges. As with previous weeks in this season, challenges are partitioned into two categories, with some available to all players and others only to those that have paid for a Battle Pass.
Fortnite Battle Royale players, however, are none the wiser as to when the Fortnite cube will finally stop moving and turn on. Since then the mysterious purple cube has been on the move in Fortnite with the cube moving every one hour and 43 minutes. Use this 3%-off coupon to buy Cheap Fortnite Items from our site: "
5MMO". If the Fortnite cube continues moving at the same speed, and leaving behind a rune at the same rate, then calculations may show when it will activate.
It is important to note that the team is doing things a bit differently this go around. Before, only
Battle Pass members could partake in the challenges.
Battle Pass Challenges:
Deal damage with a pickaxe to opponents - 0/250
Use a rift at different spawn locations - 0/10
Search between three Oversized Seats - 0/1
Stage: Eliminate an opponent at Greasy Grove - 0/1
Capture the flag is a perpetual video game mode favorite, and for good reason. It would be an excellent fit for the already childlike world of Fortnite. The closest analogue to an event like this that we've had so far is probably Fortnite's Birthday celebration from a few weeks back. Once it activates the Fortnite cube is expected to bring about major map changes, with one of those the addition of the rumoured
Crazy Castle point of interest.
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5mmo guarantee promise, you can purchase Cheap Fortnite Items with confidence. FN takes place on an Island, in a storm. Weird things, aside from player emotes, are afoot on Fortnite Island. In addition to the constant stream of player eliminations and dancing, Fornite now includes speculation about
The Cube.

As well as flying dragons,
Cheap Fortnite Items could introduce a snow-capped region to celebrate the epic swansong of Game of Thrones' final season. Seeing
Jon Snow, Cersei, or Tyrion in Fortnite may be a pipe dream for now. For the past several weeks, developer Epic Games has given us a list of weekly Battle Pass challenges that include one or two that took a lot of extra work.
While only players who are actually in attendance at PAX West will have the opportunity to compete, everyone else can watch the tournament on the official
Fortnite Twitch channel. The tournament will feature four days of competition, with open qualifiers being held on the first three days of the event.