In Fallout 76,
Adhesive is very important which is a crafting staple used in all sorts of mods, explosives and gear upgrades. It’s also in very short supply, with few reliable spawn points for scavenging. To effectively upgrade and keep gear in good condition, players should stock enough Adhesive. Fortunately, to help you out, we’ve made this Fallout 76 Adhesive guide which contains a list of all the places you can find Adhesive, all the junk items which grant Adhesive and a great Adhesive farm method. So, keep on reading.

Junk items which contain Adhesive
Adhesive are very rare and it’s difficult to find it on the map. However, you can farm Adhesive by seeking it out in junk items. Here’s a list of all the items that can be scrapped for Adhesive Junk items which contain Adhesive.
Duct Tape - 1 Adhesive, 1 Cloth
Economy Wonderglue - 5 Adhesive
Excess Adhesive - 1 Adhesive
Handmade Glue - 1 Glass, 1 Adhesive
Military Grade Duct Tape - 2 Antiballistic Fiber, 4 Adhesive
Pack of Duct Tape - 4 Adhesive, 2 Cloth
Sealed Wonderglue - 4 Adhesive
Vegetable Starch - 4 Adhesive
Wonderglue - 4 Adhesive
When seeking out those material, make sure you use the “Tag for Search”feature, as it’ll help out a great deal. Tag them, and it’ll place a magnifying glass icon next to the items you’re after, so any time you encounter them in the world you’ll be alerted to them.
Crafting Adhesive by yourself
Another method of obtaining these is through the DIY method. Basically, you will be growing certain species of plants that, when harvested, will provide you with Adhesives. To craft Adhesives, first, you have to prepare those items:
x2 Corn
Fertilizer (From Barns and Farms)
x2 Mutfruit
x1 Purified Water
x2 Tato
Now head back to your camp and find some sufficent to plant the above vegetables and fruits. Use the Build Option and then head to the “Food” tab. Use the fertilizer and in time, you will be able to harvest vegetables.
Take this source of Vegetable Starch at any of the crafting workbenches and you can break them down into Adhesives. Alternatively, you can explore and discover plants throughout the world that can also be broken down into Adhesives. For more
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Purchase Adhesive with Caps
This is the simplest and the least effort-consuming method, should you have enough Caps to spend it on this resource. Then, head to a Train Station and there proceed to the ticket office section. You will be able to interact with a vendor here who will sell you Adhesives among their other products and services. The three primary locations for vendors are listed below:
Charleston Fire Department Vendor
Flatwoods Vendor
Morgan Station Vendor
Lastly, if you can complete events and challenges which also have a set amount of Adhesives as rewards associated with them.