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    Diablo 4 Gold News & Guides

    Diablo 4 Season of Blood Guide: How to Find and Use Seeker Keys in Diablo 4

    Diablo 4 Season 2 called Season of Blood is coming for players now. More and more players are going to rebuild the best character in Season of Blood. In the process of exciting Blood Harvest events, players need to collect Seeker Keys in the game. Do you want to know how to find and use Seeker keys in Diablo 4? Players can use Cheap D4 Gold to unlock the best gear for character in Diablo 4.
    What’s the Blood Harvest in Diablo 4?
    The Blood Harvest is an event that takes place in a specific chunk of the map, indicated by the green coloring, that lasts for one hour before moving to a new location. Within the area you will find an increase in vampiric enemies, who will drop Blood Lures and Potent Blood in addition to earning you Hunter's Acclaim. Blood Lures are used exclusively inside the Blood Harvest to summon Blood Seekers, vampiric enemies based on the five playable classes, at summoning altars. These altars are marked on the map by a Chalice icon, although those only appear on the map if you are nearby them.
    Diablo 4 Blood Harvest Activities
    There are several activities for Diablo 4 players to complete during Blood Harvest events. First up, you can complete bounties, slaying vampiric enemies in the process.
    There are also the tasks of bursting Blood Blisters and completing World Events inside the Blood Harvest zone. Furthermore, players can disrupt vampiric rituals and free the poor prisoners by using the Seeker Keys they find.
    As you slay enemies in a Blood Harvest, you will get Blood Lures, which summon powerful foes called Blood Seekers to defeat. You can also use Seeker Keys you find to open Seeker Caches to get Potent Blood, Pact Armor, and helpful consumable items.
    All these activities lead to earning a wealth of rewards during Diablo 4 Season 2.
    How To Get Seeker Keys in Diablo 4
    Usually, Seeker Keys are dropped by a special enemy called Blood Seeker. After spending some time or killing a certain number of enemies in the Blood Harvest area, Blood Seekers will begin hunting you. Defeating them will grant you a Seeker Key. So just being in an area and defeating monsters is enough. You will be doing that anyway, so it is a win-win situation.
    Also, there are prisoners scattered about, and freeing them has a small chance of giving you a Key. If this is a little too random for you, there is a more reliable way. That is using Blood Lures on Sanguine Altars. Blood Lure is a resource dropped during a Blood Harvest. If you bring 15 of them to a Sanguine Altar, which is scattered all over the Blood Harvest area. If you bring 50 to a Blood Lure Pedestal you will summon Ancients, a more powerful (and worthwhile) variant of a Blood Seeker. Now, we learned how to get some Seeker Keys, let us see what to do with them.
    How to Use Seeker Keys in Diablo 4
    The core function of Seeker Keys is to gain access to Seeker Caches, which are unique to the Blood Hunt zone and become visible on the mini-map when players are close to them. There are several chests on the map, but as soon as one is opened, it will disappear, so players should make sure to use their Seeker Keys wisely to maximize their rewards. These chests contain a variety of rewards, ranging from Pact Armor and Pact Consumables to Potent Blood and weapons. Seeker Keys are also used to free the villagers from their cages in exchange for different rewards.
    You can read this guidance to know how to find and use Seeker Keys in Diablo 4. And it is time for you to Buy Diablo 4 Gold to upgrade your character fast in Diablo 4 Season 2.
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