Diablo 2 Resurrected Game Guide: Some Information about the New PTR Update of D2R
There are some news about the new PTR update of Diablo 2 Resurrected. Players want to know some information about the latest update of the game, and they will know how to do with their character or weapons in the game. Players are curious about the changes of the latest version of Diablo 2 Resurrected. Meanwhile, if you have known the new runewords in the new version, you can buy
D2R Gold to purchase them in time and equip them in your weapons in the game.
Looking at the changes listed in the Patch Highlights post, it seems apparent that D2R is aiming at selective changes for the desired increased viability at higher levels, making talents and abilities that don’t always perform well at endgame their focus. In all of these instances, the focus is on getting players to want to unlock certain skills, both for synergy and to increase the viability of variant builds. Specifically, the melee abilities of the Amazon, the martial arts of the Assassin, Barbarian combat skill diversity — as well as making the Throwing Barb build viable — Druid fire skills and summons, Skeletal Mages and Golems for Necromancers, Thorns and Offensive Auras for Paladins, and underused Cold, Lightning, and Fire skills for the Sorceress class.
Rune words can equate to the most important class transformations in terms of meta-transfer. New rune words for swords, batons, claws, as well as bows and crossbows, will provide players with a variety of creation opportunities to experiment. There are also two new hull rune words, one enhances mana management and the other is a strong defensive rune for both martial and magical attacks.
The helm-based Wisdom seems more tailored towards Amazon builds, but could also help Barbarians focusing on their throw abilities. The Runeword grants piercing attacks, the "cannot be frozen" effect, and grants mana steal on hit along with mana on kill. That should make it useful for helping Amazon players manage their mana. Wowhead notes that details on the Wisdom Runeword have come via a Korean translation, so exact details could change.
Accompanying this exciting new addition to the game is a slew of class balance changes and updates to the game’s Mercenaries.
With classes remaining the same since “Patch 1.13c, which was released back on March 23, 2010,” each character’s kit has received a fresh lick of paint. While the Amazon and Necromancer are largely remaining the same, the Assassin, Paladin, and Barbarian are seeing some adjustments to their combat skills. Additionally, the Druid and Sorceress‘ weaker elemental skills will be getting a much-needed boost of mana, and the former’s Summons are being made more deadly than ever before.
Class change for Diablo 2: Resurrected Updates are a clear focus of 2.4. A new ladder season is coming up and Blizzard is refreshing the meta to make sure the season is brand new. There are too many changes to summarize, but it should be clear that there has been at least one small change in all three skill trees for all seven classes. The Druid has received perhaps the most dramatic changes, improving its casting, melee and summoning. The Necromancer probably received the least impressive transformation, although the weak, bone skills and small fondness of the skeleton are notable.
There are a lot of changes in the latest PTR update of Diablo 2 Resurrected. Players can’t wait to playing the new version of D2R. So, if you are going to play well in the new version, you need to know changes about weapons,class, and character in advance. And you can
Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected Gold to select the best gear for your character in the game, which makes you lead in the beginning of the game. There are cheap prices about Diablo 2 Resurrected Gold on 5mmo.com.