An Ultimate Guide for Building Camps in Fallout 76:Tools, Materials, Location and More
When you loot for legendary items and killing colossal creatures in Fallout 76, sometimes, you must feel tired. That’s where a lovely and perfect home coming into play. After all, merely sleeping on bare ground would significantly increases your chance of contracting a disease. since Appalachia did just have nuclear bombs explode in its vicinity, much like the rest of America. So, the first thing you need to do once you play the game is to build a simple buy cozy place for your character to dwell in. To save you time, herein we put together some useful
Fallout 76 CAMP tips to guide you to build a home.

In Fallout 76, your handy tool for all your building needs is the “C.A.M.P.”, whose full name is “Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform”. This allows you to make your base of operations, as long as it’s on a flat surface and not anywhere near established buildings.
When you first start off in Fallout 76 don’t expect to be able to build a C.A.M.P. straight away. It’ll take time to gather up enough resources for your first C.A.M.P., so initially instead depend on the Overseer’s C.A.M.P. which you’ll find in the very early stages of your first main quest. It’s already built, and it comes with a weapons workbench, an armor workbench, a cooking station, and a Stash. Then you can thinking about building (and Blueprinting) your own C.A.M.P., when you start to voyage out of the starting area later on in your game .To build you own home, there are five basic tools you need to prepare at first. They include :
Armor workbench (6 Aluminum, 4 Gear, 3 Screw, 3 Spring, 3 Wood)
Weapons workbench (6 Aluminum, 3 Gear, 3 Screw, 3 Rubber, 4 Wood)
Sleeping Bag (4 Cloth)
Turret (1 Circuitry, 2 Gear, 2 Oil)
Cooking station (2 Wood, 2 Steel)
To find the above material, you need to find their Plans which are scattered throughout the region of Appalachia. These range from food items to use up some of your ingredients, or plans to make new facilities and defences. You will unlock what you need from them. By the way, you can buy
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Then you need to build a base for your home. Base building is a major mechanic in Fallout 76 and will likely take up a lot of time. First,you'll need to collect resources in order to build your base out. They are wood,iron and scrap. You get resources by scrapping junk and by collecting them from set deposits in the world. Wood is obtained from piles found around structures. As such, we recommend that you pick up as much stuff as possible, then scrap it at a workbench. Use your storage stash to keep building resources, as being encumbered is not very fun. However, be wary of your Stash limit. It currently has a limit of 400lbs and that will fill up scarily quickly once you’ve been on a few journeys to different locations. So regularly dump the junk in your stash.
After all this done, it’s time to choose a place to locate your new home. Building stuff in Fallout 76 has a far bigger emphasis on where you locate your CAMP compared to Fallout 4, mainly because you now need to defend its contents from other players or even workshops from NPCs. When you first bring out your C.A.M.P., around you you’ll notice a large green sphere - this marks the boundaries of your C.A.M.P., and it can’t overlap with any other nearby build areas, otherwise it will turn red , and you need to keep walking until it turns the right colour.
After this final step, you can now assemble the structure based on your personal taste. Remember always put a turret nearby your house in the case that you need a quick health regeneration after a fierce flight.