Fallout 76's latest patch, Wild Appalachia, is now out for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
The headlining feature of the patch is the introduction of the Project Paradise event, which will take you into a series of subterranean laboratories to perform lab tests on presumably unwilling subjects. Note that players have to be level 50 and up to unlock the new event. Here
5mmo.com presents you this quick guide to help you better complete the new event.

How to Complete Fallout 76 Project Paradise Quest?
Stage 1: Filling the Troughs
Each area has a marked receptacle. Do not spend the duration of this stage staring blankly at said trough wondering why it won't activate.
Depending on which area you're in you'll notice something around you with a smokey effect on it, either radstags, molerats, or kelp. Do not simply run around one shotting these enemies wondering why nothing is happening. Kill the radstags/molerats and loot their marked items or collect the kelp. You can unlock powerful weapons with
Cheap Fallout 76 Bottle Caps to beat those tough creatures. Then activate the trough to deposit.
If there are other people in the same area as you do not use your most OP one shot or "kill everything in the room" explosive weapons. This is not a contest to see who can get the most kills or who can deposit the most items, you want as many people as possible looting from the stags/molerats so you fill the trough to capacity which takes upwards of 60 deposits.
The more you fill the trough the higher your rank in that area goes. The higher your rank the easier a time you will have in stage 2.
Stage 2: Defend the Targets
Depending on your rank in each area from Stage 1 you will be spawned three defense targets of varying durability around the lab, ranging from weak creatures like ticks at rank 0 up to sturdier creatures like Deathclaws at rank 3. Do not spend this stage trying to kill the defense targets.
You must defend these targets against three waves of enemies. Losing all defense targets will instantly fail the event. The waves of enemies spawned are not a joke. If you have very few people participating and a low ranking defense target you may want to prioritize keeping a single one alive over losing all three. On the other hand if you have a dozen people in power armor with explosive heavy weapons it's a waste defending a single target and letting the other two die.
Stage 3: Kill the Alpha
A level 100 legendary enemy will spawn somewhere in the lab. Killing it will complete the event.
Do not abandon your defense target. Just because the alpha has spawned does not mean that part of the event is over. If the defense targets get wiped out because you ran off to fight the alpha you will fail the event. Get in a tag on the Alpha and make sure the defense targets stay alive.
Like all events with multiple objectives your chance at the best rewards will rise with how many targets you managed to keep alive.
Couple of other things to note:
1. Glow Sight is damn near must-have for this event because of the metric fuckton of glowing enemies the game throws at you.
2. Explosive weapons will not harm your animal buddies. Light 'em up, but make sure you have Pacifist enabled.
3. Revive people. If you've got the Quack Surgeon perk, you can revive them with alcohol so you don't have to waste your precious stimpaks.
4. Communicate. Turn on your mic and use area chat. Let other people know what you're doing, and speak in third person, for example "Wiener is going to collect toxic sludge for the feeder".